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About us

Our history

Get to know about us

We are a student's association which was founded four years ago in 2019, at Sciences Po, on the Menton Campus. Our main activity is to do interventions in schools in France and in Italy in order to spread awareness on the mafia and organised crime in general. 
Even though our main activity is education related, we also do events on campus such as movie screenings, debates, or conferences with anti-mafia experts. Our goal is to demystify the mafia by showing it is not only an Italian phenomenon but a global one. 
This year, we are participating in the Peace Crane Project with Libera elementary schools to spread peace and legality amongst young people.
We are affiliated with Libera and DeMains Libres which are the biggest associations fighting against organised crime respectively in Italy and in France.


Our key strengths are enthusiasm, passion, and curiosity. We are very flexible on the subjects' presentations.

Our poles



Effective communication is key to be able to widely spread our message and reach a wide audience. Every platform you manage is essential for our growth and commitment. Do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter and to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin!

The Events Pole is responsible for coordinating not only university events but also those involving high schools. This pole plays a critical role, as our activities goes beyond school interventions.


The French and Italian Education Poles take care of intervention in primary, middle and high schools in both Italy and France. This pole is the framework of our association, since its main goal concerns educating the community that surrounds us.

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